
For the love of nonsense.

Springtime by Joan Bowes

This might not be nonsense, but I wanted to share it anyway.

In springtime when the flowers bloom,
The bees dance in the afternoon.
Their buzzing hum fills the air,
As daisies sprout without a care.
The sun shines bright, the sky so clear,
Butterflies flutter, spreading cheer.
The trees sway gently in the breeze,
As squirrels frolic among the leaves.
Rainbows appear after the showers,
Bringing joy to all the flowers.
The birds chirp a melodious song,
Welcoming spring all day long.
The world awakens, bursting with life,
Amidst the beauty, free from strife.
And so we revel in this season,
Where magic lies in every reason.
Oh, spring, we cherish your embrace,
For in your arms, we find grace.